Monday, October 8, 2012

The First 48 Hours

If you missed the first post explaining why we're fasting, scroll down to the bottom and read it first--or click here.  If you'd like to follow our journey, enter your email to the right of this post.

We're 48 hours in to this year long financial far, I'm not yet counting down to how many hours left.  I'm sure that day will come soon--and probably multiple times.

Day One
Bryan researched possible options for trading in our camper trailer and our car for a straight-across trade-in for a different car.  We had a very busy weekend with various different events going on, but we had a two-hour window so we went to the dealership.  Of course the nice man he already talked to on the phone wasn't working that day, so we talked with nice man #2--a little bit quirky, but nice man nonetheless. 

We quickly decided that Car #1 was not the right car for us--the kids were cramped in the third row and even the two youngest didn't have much leg space.  I could already envision long car trips with constant complaining, whining, and fighting.  Plus we'd have to put the middle seat down-up-down-up all the time to get into the back seat.  It just wasn't really a good fit.
Car #2 was a much better fit--a mini-van obviously built with family needs in mind, much better space, easier to get in and out.  We laughed that "this is our life now" when we judge a car based on how much groceries it can hold.  We sat at quirky-nice-man's desk while he went back to the black hole that car salesmen go to in order to crunch the numbers.  Meanwhile Bryan changed the satellite radio station to play Christian music throughout the showroom.  :)  I was melancholy and excited at the same time, but praying that God would make it obvious whether we should proceed or not.  So after more waiting, he finally came back with numbers--$16,000 worth of numbers.  Um, no.  The idea here is to get OUT of debt, not to accumulate more debt.  Thank you God for making it obvious!  So, no sale today--but at least we know now what the trailer and car are worth (not as much as we hoped) and now we at least have a starting place.

Day One ended with us keeping our trailer and car for another day.

Day Two
Bryan made it in and out of Costco for LESS THAN TEN DOLLARS!  Is that even legal?!  Our Costco membership itself is still good for another nine months, but we're only going to use Costco for specific items with a specific price.  We also have a Cash & Carry in our town, so if we really need something in bulk, there's always that option too.  Then he made this week's menu with relatively inexpensive dishes, and easy-to-make-ahead meals since Grammy will be staying with the kids for four nights while we go out of town.  (Grammy cooks even less often than I do!)  He made it out of the grocery store with around half of our usual grocery bill.  What a savvy shopper, that man-o-mine!

My task was to cancel cable and price compare for internet-only options.  Multiple phone calls and internet clicks later, we are now stopping our local internet-cable company and changing to Century Link for internet.  Our first bill of internet-only will be equal to what we're currently paying for cable-internet....but for the next 12 months our bill will be less than half!  So we have exactly one week left to hurry up and watch everything we have recorded on our DVR.  There's only a couple of shows we won't be able to get on the internet--the kids and I love watching 19 Kids and Counting (TLC doesn't have full episodes on their website) and Bryan won't be able to watch Myth Busters (junior high boys getting paid to blow stuff up).  We'll both be sad about's only one year.

And I contacted our friend who got our Civil War tickets for us and they'll easily be able to sell them.  *Insert sad face again* but we'll be using that money to go toward the purchase of a laptop.

Savings So Far
  • Home Depot kids workshop = free family fun
  • Swim lessons = turns out we paid double for this session (weird website thing, I guess) so our next set of 5 lessons is almost free--ok, technically speaking we already paid for it but it feels free!
  • Star Wars day at Barnes and Noble = free family fun
  • Library = free family fun
  • Fall Festival = Kaela spent $3 of her allowance on grapefruit soap which will probably last her all year.
  • Movie night for Kaela's play "It's A Wonderful Life" = free movie and free pizza
  • Graeson's football team pictures = saved $17 by taking my own team picture instead of paying for the professional guy's picture and floppy cardboard frame, which will probably just go in mom's memento box in the closet anyway.
  • Costco = saved well over $200 from what we usually spend
  • Groceries = saved close to $70 from what we usually spend
  • Cable = will be saving $45 a month (that's $540 a year!!)
  • Civil War tickets = $180

I'd say the first 48 hours of financial fasting have been successful!

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